Christmas trees

Mini holiday trees. For Christmas, Hanukkah, or just to create a festive ambience.  These cute little trees are made of the cutoffs from the other larger projects.  Nothing is wasted.  Therefore, you will see a variety of timbers, colors and sizes.  The photos capture little trees made from black walnut, maple, ash, American Osage Orange, spalted maple and cedar.  While these are random, they can be made to your specifications of size, color and species.  A matching set?  No problem!  Want to simulate a wild forest?  Easy peasy!

Besides being used as display, you can give them as gifts, or you can use them as a decoration on a present.

SKU 20003 Price: $10 each for the large; $10 for 3 of the small.  Volume discount available.  Shipping included within the US.